
Hi! I’m Denis Nemytov

Front-end Developer

“There’s a User Story behind every app...”


About me

I'm a predominantly front-end (JAM-stack) web developer with the core skill set being mainly focused around modern Typescript / ReactJS (and all sorts of supporting frameworks and technologies) application and website development. I excel at writing modular, well-structured, strictly-typed code. My most recent experience involves working in a decoupled architectural manner, with React - Apollo front-end and GraphQL backend solutions, and a mono-repo approach for projects and libraries structure.

My main competitive advantage is an ability to work independently both as a member of a multi-skilled team, as well as a solo developer. I’m hugely motivated by creating products that solve real world problems and empower their users. I firmly support agile development practices and implementations of clear and robust processes at work.

Active Stack

Something I do every day and have done for some time

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    TypeScript and JavaScript ES6+

    Modern strictly-typed code, arrow functions, object literals, destructuring, async/await, promises...

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    Functional components with hooks (inc. custom), special attention to code splitting and performance

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    GraphQL - Apollo, GraphQL.js

    Fragment co-location. Apollo 3.x

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    GatsbyJS and NEXT.js

    React-based frameworks. With Typescript. GraphQL, SanityIO integration.

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    React component library and showcase building tool

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    HTML 5 and CSS 3

    Special attention to SEO and accessibility, preprocessors, CSS-in-JS, Sass

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    GitHub and GitLab

    Including CI/CD elements

Passive Stack

Something I previously worked on, played with or experimented with

Work Experience


Smart Pension
, London - React Engineer
11.2022 - current

At Smart Pension I was a part of a large IT workforce, split up to small squad-size self-sufficient units. I contributed to the existing code base support and introduction of new features. The development process at the company was very well organised. All the code had to be fully covered by unit and integration tests, every PR had to get at least two peer approvals and had to past QA stage.

In my short time at the company I managed to make a sizeable contribution by introducing optimisation, new technology and practices into our code base. I worked closely and successfully with UX and backend teams to deliver best possible product experience to our end users.

Learning with Experts, Oxford - Front End Developer
03.2021 - 10.2022

With being an online e-learning platform, my main responsibilities were to maintain and further develop the core product, as well as building various supporting and campaign websites and apps. I was responsible for the majority of the React front-end related work in my time at the company. The single most important piece of work that I played the key role in was a ground up re-build of the "classroom" module - the heart of the platform, which turned out a great success.

I was instrumental or heavily involved in the following areas and projects:
- Switching to a Lerna-driven mono-repo approach. Isolating components, utils, theming and etc. reusable packages from the site/apps that utilise them.
- Introducing a Grommet-driven design system. As a result we had a StorybookJS library of standard reusable components as well as very good understanding between the design and front-end dev teams on the design approach and semantic meaning of things that saved as a lot of time working on various projects.
- I introduced TypeScript as a coding standard for all the new code.

Instruct ERIC, Oxford - Front End Developer
10.2019 - 03.2021

I was brought in to to help transition the core company’s product - a scientific resources and infrastructure access management software, from a monolithic MySQL / PHP / HTML / CSS platform to a modern micro-service architecture, with React front-end and PHP / GraphQL backend.

I was solely responsible for development of a number of React applications, as well as a back-end GraphQL server layer. The main front-end app we created on top of our new architecture was the Site Builder, which borrowed core concepts from Wix and Tilda platforms. However, it was closely integrated with our own echo system. It enabled our subscribers - a scientific community - to independently create micro-sites for their project, simultaneously taking advantage of our resource booking and access management system.


Independent Contractor in London, UK
2006 - 2011

In my previous stint as a web developer I focused on ActionScript Flash technology. After a few years of full-time employment, I went contracting and worked on various projects for small design shops as well as large multi-discipline marketing agencies.

In that period I sharpened my object-oriented programming skills and developed my own libraries and framework solutions.

A lot of projects at that period of time had strong emphasis on dynamic and interactive animation and sophisticated UI solutions, including 3D interface development.

In between

Business startups, Russia, Portugal
2011 - 2019

I started up and grew a number of restaurant and bar businesses in Russia and Portugal.

On top of developing a myriad of soft skills, required to build and manage strong teams, delegate responsibilities and work with clients, I applied my programming background to developing bespoke business administration and planning solutions, which proved to be game-changing for turning businesses into real success.


School logo

Humber College, Toronto, Canada

2005 - 2007

Multimedia Design and Production Technician


  • Fluent English
  • Fluent Lithuanian
  • Native Russian
  • Basic Portuguese